Frozen Shoulder Part III: Treatment The Challenges of Frozen shoulder: Severe pain and restricted range of motion that doesn’t resolve itself as one would expect. The pain of Frozen …
Frozen Shoulder part II, How it progresses To read the first one, click here. When one has Frozen Shoulder it progresses through 3 predictable phases as you can see …
Trigger Finger, what is it? Trigger finger is a painful condition of hand that causesfingers to catch in a bent or (flexed) position. The proper medical term is StenosingTenosynovitis …
Is your ab workout working for your lower back Listening to an interview with Stuart McGill gave me the idea to write this post. He is a professor at …
Mommy Shoulder part two: self help As discussed earlier caring for children can be or rather is stressful on many levels. This often leads to painful situations for the …
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Therapy The other circulatory System: The Lymphatic system The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy fluid balance in your body. Lymphocytes …
Sitting too much? There are more resources than ever to help. Sitting has been getting a lot of bad press in recent years. Sitting, it is not good for …
Frozen Shoulder In this three part series of posts I will examine a painful and frustrating condition called Frozen shoulder. Frozen Shoulder (AKA Adhesive Capsulitis) is a common condition …
Pain: Our danger sensing, self protection alarm system Humans evolved over thousands of generations. Our body’s ability to tell our brains what is happening in and around our bodies …
The Cumulative Injury Cycle: What’s gluing you together? This is also know as the Repetitive Strain or Stress Injury cycle. As a Chiropractor and Active Release Technique practitioner I …