Sitting too much? one more way to avoid it: Walking meetings

Sitting too much?  There are more resources than ever to help.

Sitting has been getting a lot of bad press in recent years.  Sitting,  it is not good for you.  We are meant to move.  There are so many reasons for this that it will take another blog post.

Sitting too much

Prolonged sitting without a change in posture has multiple negative effects.

Unfortunately sitting is how much of the work day has been spent since the adoption of the personal computer and  workstation.   It is an accepted part of work life.  It is also makes a notable contribution to certain diseases.  As a Chiropractor though, I seen sittings affects on the musculoskeletal system every day.  It creates postural problems, upper and lower crossed syndromes, neck pain, shoulder pain, upper and lower back pain.

Changing to a sit/stand workstation is a great step in the right direction. To find out more click here.  Walking meetings are another.  Don’t take my word for it.  It is only 3 minutes

“We’re sitting, on average, for 9.3 hours per day—far more than the 7.7 hours we spend sleeping.”

Nilofer Merchant 


Walking meeting

Got a meeting? See her TED talk by clicking here: Take a walk  In her TED Talk, Nilofer Merchant suggests a small idea that has a big impact on your (and your coworkers) life and health: Next time you have a one-on-one meeting, make it into a “walking meeting” — and let ideas flow while you walk and talk.

You can walk while you are on a phone meeting or a conference call.  There are lots of other ways to reduce your sit time. 

If you are having a health problem that you need help with click here to send us a message.





Walking meetings are just one way to break up long periods of sitting.


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